Chimney Relining

Stainless Steel Chimney LinerStainless Steel Chimney Liner

Nicholas Chimney Stove & Fireplace are experts at relining chimneys with both cast in place solid masonry and stainless steel liners. We reline chimney flues damaged by chimney fires and flues being restored in old houses for structural and fire safety. We even reline new chimneys that were not built properly. Furnace flues, especially when converting from oil to high efficiency gas furnaces are very susceptible to rapid deterioration because of increased condensation inside the chimney.

Properly functioning flue liners are important in preventing Chimney Fires

Cast in Place Chimney LinerCast In Place Chimney Lining

Properly functioning flue liners are important. They carry dangerous products of combustion like poisonous carbon monoxide and smoke away from your home. They also help to protect your home from the excessive heat of a chimney fire. If cracks and gaps are present they are not able to do their job properly. All of our lining systems are UL Listed and are installed by highly trained technicians.

Because we have many years of experience in both cast in place and stainless steel liners, we are able to determine the best or most cost effective way to reline your chimney.

Terrra Cotta Flue Tiles

Terra Cotta Chimney Tiles

Terra Cotta tiles being used to finish
off the top of 5 cast in place, solid
masonry flue liners.

Signs that you may have had a chimney fire

  1. Puffy creosote that has expanded beyond its normal form.

  2. Cracked or collapsed flue tiles, or tiles with large chunks---missing.

  3. Discolored or distorted rain cap.

  4. Creosote flakes and pieces found on the roof or ground.

  5. Roof material damaged from hot creosote.

  6. Cracks in the exterior of the chimney.

  7. Evidence of smoke escaping through mortar joints of masonry liner.